The Sun Behind the Clouds or Benefits of an Absent Imam Dr. Seyed Hadi Mousavi: Is the existence of an absent Imam beneficial for the people? [Referring to the last Shiite Imam, who is in the Major Occultation] Bagherpourkashani: Yes, in the Shiite narrations and hadiths, the way people benefit …
Read More »People with Weak Reason (Aql) Can Also Reach the Truth
Bagherpour Kashani: It goes without saying that all human beings do not share the same level of intellectual ability (aql), and this very fact has been mentioned in the sharia law as well. But this does not mean individuals of weak reasons cannot reach the truth. God put fundamentals of …
Read More »Independent judgments of the reason
Bagherpour Kashani: This is not the case that the reason always needs data; but reason itself, has independent judgment of the affairs. For example, Law of noncontradiction1, the law of excluded middle2, and coincidental oppositorum3 are the independent judgments of the reason. If rational arguments based on these axioms, the …
Read More »Hadith: “Reason is a Hojjat”
Reason is like scales, and people see its hands on another numerical just because they are not fully in front of it. Dr. Seyyed Hadi Mousavi: Reason is the scale in its calculating. But this scale gives the right answer only when the given information to it is without error. …
Read More »It is a wise person who mistakenly stumbles and falls not the reason
Dr. Amir Zamiri: discussing the necessity of sending representatives rooted in the human mind and the human mind is fallible. Bagherpour Kashani: It is clear that some judgments rooted in ignorance are wrong; for example, a group of people when confronted with some adverse events (such as flood, earthquake, …
Read More »What is the result of sending no divine authority?
Bagherpour Kashani: we do not claim that we recognize all divine deeds, however, we want to see whether, based on reason and wisdom, sending the divine authority is obligatory for God, and give it away is unjust and inappropriate or not? If it is proved that sending no divine …
Read More »An apparent proof and inner proof
Through internal Hojjat (reason) 1 we understand that God`s deed should be incompatible with his servants` goodness; hence the second religious principle of Shia is “justice” 2. Dr. Mousavi: your explanation about conscious judgment is true, but we cannot know all God’s deed. We are like a drop in …
Read More »Due to reason, it is obligatory for God to send prophets
Bagherpour Kashani: The claim is that it is obligatory for God to send representatives for guidance beside reason and wisdom, otherwise, failure in guidance takes place and it is impossible and obscene for God. 1 Dr. Amir Zamiri: It seems that this attitude is a kind of judgment about God`s …
Read More »Verification of a prophet based on religion is a circle
Verification of a prophet based on religion is a circle An audience: Does certainty must be based on rational argument?! Certainty is something sensual. If you can, Change my opinion with the rational reasons. But, please do not rely on inter religious contents. Dr. Mousavi: If believing in prophet has …
Read More »Do we have reason for existence of” divine Hojjat”?
Bagherpour Kashani: End of the line of prophets, does not mean the end of divine authority on earth, after the death of the Prophet of Islam, God has appointed his successors as the “divine Hojjat (divine Proof)”. However, as we are in the days of absence of divine Hojjat …
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